Thursday, 9 October 2008

China 2008 (07/28-07/30) - Train to Kunming

Yes... from the 28th to the 30th of July... 39 hours inside the train to finally arrive in Kunming! (coming back to Beijing took us 48 hours!) We had 5 seats and 6 sleepers, so we took turns. It was a really long trip, with amazing views, a lot of reading, talking, playing cards and CUP NODDLES. One more China experience!

China 2008 (07/24-07/28) - Beijing

We finally got to CHINA! (Actually, we are already back to Brazil, but I will publish the pictures from today... Sorry for being late).

Our few days in Beijing, AS TOURISTS!, included the Tiananmen Square (image 01), the Forbidden City (images 02/03), a tomb of the 13th emperor of the Ming Dinasty (image 04), and the GREAT WALL (images 05/06). We also did some walking through the city (image 07) and had a lot of dumplings (image 08)!