Sunday 31 July 2011


We did the opening show of ADORACAMP 2011 with the participation of the ESCART (School of Culture and Art) students to celebrate the 10th birthday of YWAM Praise Village. The show was a reflection on the history of the Praise Village and brought matters to be thought about the future, all this through dance, theater and videos.

Cast: Bruno de Moura, Ana de Moura, Paulo Soares, Lívia Uhlmann, Andriele Dulce, Eliézer Barcelos, Marina Galego, Joquebede Barbosa, Amanda Moraes, Mayara Olivato, Alexandra Flórido, Robson Vitor e Viviane Cruz.

Friday 1 July 2011

ADORACAMP 2011 Rehearsal

There it is a small sample of our rehearsal time to the opening show of ADORACAMP 2011.