Saturday, 24 September 2011

ESEFAP College - Tupã/SP

We have been in the city of Tupã/SP (Brazil) to perform at a Dance Showcase at the ESEFAP College, the event was about brazilian culture and involved all the students of the Physical Education Course. We participated with three dances from northeast, north and south of Brazil.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Cultural Map (Mapa Cultural Paulista)

We signed up to attend the auditions to the Cultural Map (Mapa Cultural Paulista) wirh the show "Somos todos vira latas" (2009). We passed in the first phase and headed to the presentation of the whole show in the second phase. The presentation was at Paraguaçu Paulista/SP on September 12th, 2011. This time we didn't passed to the third phase, but it was worth the experience.